Kickstarting Your Business with Crowdsourcing – Distance Learning CPD




Today’s fast-paced marketplace demands that businesses think fast. Crowdsourcing can help all types of businesses keep on top of trends and stay competitive. This content will show you how to leverage all types of crowdsourcing (including microwork, macrowork, crowdvoting, crowdcontests, crowdwisdom, and crowdfunding) to kickstart your business’ growth.
Learning Outcomes:

  • Define what crowdsourcing is and its value to businesses
  • Determine when crowdsourcing makes sense for a project
  • Describe the crowdsourcing process
  • Identify platforms and social media tools that can support your crowdsourcing campaigns
  • Describe the major types of crowdsourcing, including microwork, macrowork, crowdvoting, crowdcontests, crowdwisdom, and crowdfunding
  • Attract and engage your crowd


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